
Selling to Benefit

One more shout out to all the Etsy sellers who made items for the BoobChallenge!!
Come visit this thread to see all the items that are still available and will send full proceeds to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

Here are a few wonderful things you can find:

From tnkerr - the Breast Plate

From KreativeKarryAlls -

Boob Challenge Breast Cancer Awareness desktop business card holder

Think Pink and Shop for a Cause!!

Cheers and have a wonderful day!



The BoobChallenge raised over $300! Wooo-whoo!

Items that were not sold will continue to be promoed on the Etsy Promotions forum - I'll post the link soon!

We had so many wonderful participants and kudos go out to the winners:

♥♥♥♥♥ The Winners Are! ♥♥♥♥♥
For the most overall vote:
CreationsbyChristina for her ribbon candy http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=15529348

For the Most donated from sales:
Coryelldesigns for her beautiful bracelet http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=15076407

and Peoples Choice went to:
DistressingDelilah for her beautiful art http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=15044191

Congrats to all the Winners and Thanks to all who participated!

We Raised a grand total of $313.75!!!!!


Amazing work and continue to support Breast Cancer Awareness and Research by purchasing another of the wonderful items made!

Check out this lovely by liquidsabre

Congratulations again to


Quick break from Pink - on to politics

Ok, found this blog today - the idea, to me if flipping wonderful, what better way to tell the PAlien what we think about her women's rights POV? Gah, I just don't get it, really don't.

Check it out:
productive sabotage

And check out this sweet T that I found on ThisNext's chadosko's reccomendation list
Here's where you can get your PAlien (for $15, I might add)

How PINK are you?

Check out MissKnits' lovely pink treasury before Sat, the 27th at 4:44pm (Eastern Time).

You should go a few times, too ... she will be changing it up as the time goes!!

THINK PINK and Shop for a Cause!!
See this lovely hand-tatted ribbon and many other lovelies at keenaskreations on Etsy!


Become Aware

Ok, so there is all this talk about being aware, being informed and knowing about your health. But where do I start?!
Learning about something on the internet can be daunting - there is just so much information out there - who is telling me the real deal and who is full o' beans?

Here is one place to start in your search for more information, fundraising ideas, support and screening recommendations: Susan G. Komen for the Cure

Think pink and find out what you can do for yourself and for others!!

Shop for a Cause and THINK PINK


Shamless Plugs!!!

Feeling shameless today?! I sure am! Along with over 60 other Etsians.

So check out our merchandise that is all made especially to raise funds for the Susan G. Komen Foundation for Breast Cancer Research.

Go to:
Breast Cancer Awareness Items Page 1

and Breast Cancer Awareness Items Page 2

To view all the unique creations that will benefit this cause. All proceeds from sales of items listed as Breast Cancer Awareness or Boob Challenge in these seller's shops will go to the Foundation. **please note there are alot of images located on those pages, so they will take a few moments to download, be patient and you will be rewarded. Be warned that there are also some items that have visible nipples, breasts, etc; they are not real, but they do look real.

Visit the Etsy Forum thread to see the complete list of links (no pictures, though) or to vote for your favorite.

Visit my Etsy shop at: itsiebitsies on Etsy


Get on the Vote!!!

Don't forget to stop by http://www.etsy.com/forums_thread.php?thread_id=5817123&page=71
to vote for your favorite Breast Cancer Awareness handmade creation and check out the wonderful things YOU could have to show your support for Breast Cancer Awareness!!

THINK PINK and Shop for a Cause!!

The following 4 handmade beauties are in the lead right now for vote

The yummy candies are made by CreationsbyChristina.

The 'Throw a Fit' special edition doll is made by MissKnits.

The wonderful watercolor was done by paratu.

And the very creative carryall was done by KreativeKarryAlls.

Click on the image to go directly to that handmade beauty and click on the seller name to visit their shops on Etsy.


Going Strong

The Etsy Challenge is going strong after less than one day, almost $200 dollars in tiems have been sold!!

Great work everyone. Go see the list of items that you can purchase at:

The items in my Etsy mini at the right are all part of the Challenge to raise money for the Susan G. Komen Foundation!

Thank you MissKnits and SarahinFlorida for the idea and the Challenge!

Here is the item that I voted for:

Made by KeenasKreations

She also has some beautiful tatted pink items for the Challenge, tatted Halloween items, sock critters and scarves!! Amazing!

Be sure to Shop for a Cause the handmade way on Etsy


Get into the boob groove

I joined a the BoobChallenge on Etsy, started by MissKnits and Sarahinflorida and there is a wonderful group that have made a great selection of wonderful things for your shopping pleasure on Etsy. Some are a bit mature and others more along the pink ribbon lines. Very beautiful and very fun things.
There are gorgeous ACEOs, chocolate nipple suckers, pink jewelery, a gorgeous plate and so many other things. The challenge includes a voting round from Sept 20th to Sept 29th and all proceeds from sold items go directly to the Susan G. Komen Foundation for Breast Cancer Research.

"Imagine the world with no breast cancer" and support the foundation and the wonderful artists and crafters who put together some new ideas to support the foundation.

My minis and posts over the next few days will revolve around Breast Cancer and the items in the Challenge.

For the Challenge, this is my official entry - the Boob Bottle. A fun little upcycled olive oil bottle with pictures of pink cleavage from fashion magazines. It was so fun to explore something different for this challenge and go a little crazy.

Visit Etsy.com and look for something special you can purchase to help fund Breast Cancer Research, be sure the seller metions the BoobChallenge or has thier item tagged with 'boobchallenge' so that you know they will be sending all proceeds to the Komen Foundation. Shop for a Cause!!


It is done

The wedding is done, the wedding is done!! Weeee-whoooo!!

LOL .. so the sister's wedding is finally over! I made it through yet another one (of hers). Big hair, high heels - hiking in high heels, even - drunk people, pictures and more pictures, bossing people around (ok that part is kind of fun), making flower arrangements and making food. I tell ya, if the other sister and I were to give her a manual labor bill . . it would be up there. Along with her friends bills, too. I really do hope that she sends out some very nice thanks yous to the people who helped her - for free.

And the hotel staff where she had the wedding were super wonderful to work with and very helpful. If you live around Kalipell, MT the Hampton Inn has great staff!!!

It wasn't even my shin-dig and I am actually considering writing them a thank you.

The bride and groom are off to Mexico and I will be getting my little niece tomorrow morning, so in honor of their trip and my wishing that I could be on a trip to somewhere tropical and secluded right now ... I am doing a tropical mini for the next couple days.

Then I will get to doing a boob mini again!!


Quickie Recipe

So that laundry detergent recipe ... here goes:

1 cup soap flakes
1/2 cup washing soda
1/2 cup borax
1/2 cup baking soda

I have to grat my own soap with a cheese grater. The only commercial soap flakes I can find are Ivory and that contains animal products. FYI here, anything containing a form of tallow, contains animal products. I use Kirk's brand castile soap. It has no scent to mix in with the laundry.
I use a basic recipe and add the baking soda to help with odors. If you have hard water, then up the washing soda and borax to 1 cup each.

Use 1 tablespoon per load, 1-1/2 to 2 if it's extra dirty. This recipe does require soaking for mud, caked in dirt and grime, etc. For spot removing mix a bit of borax with water to form a paste and rub into spot (be sure of color fastness for this, though).

Happy green laundrying! :-) And remember this is a home-made recipe that works for me, you may need to adjust it for yourself and note that it does not clean the same as chemical filled products. Also, put this in a jar or container that is CLEARLY labeled and leave with cleaning supplies, you would not want to injest this at all!


Soccer fun!

Yesterday the family got to take our little guy to his first soccer game! Oh, my! I was so fun and the kids really enjoyed themselves. They are amazing little athletes and just kept going!
The team has kids from 4 to 6 years old, the one 4-year-old was very much no into playing, though. She was off doing her own thing - I really don't blame her at all, all those kids running around crazy. Our 4 year old thought it looked interesting, but she said she was not ready to play.
"Next time it will be fun, Mom" Translation, I'll do it next year, after my brother tells me how fun it is and talks it up for a whole year.
She is waiting for T-ball, though. Really excited! And so is he, finally getting them into wanting to do organized sports. Didn't push before now because we really think that they should just be able to play around and enjoy running and jumping and being silly before organizing games. We play our own versions of those type of games and teach them to bat and throw, but nothing major and if it only lasts 3 minutes, then, so be it . . . they tried for a bit and they can try again another time. Encourage the fun, not the getting it done the right way.
Ah, there I go getting all preachy sounding, didn't mean to. Just how we do things and how they have fun. A benefit of living in the boonies and having room to really run and play, too. can't do that as easily if you live in the city.
The little guy seemed to really like it, but we need to work on focusing this week - -he's out on the field posing like a rock star and watching the airplanes and birds, not the bright pink ball! Haha. He sure can run, though. Stopping .. .well, not so fast. LOL!
And boy was he tired after. Took a nap from 6:30 to 8 and was still asleep by 9pm (a bit later then normal fora school night, but he needed to eat and do stories before bed since he crashed basically in the middle of dinner.

Here's to soccer and cute little kiddos having tons of fun!


the greenies come out to play

Haha -- ok, well, in case you haven't figured it out, I strive to be a greener person and do not do so to be trendy .. I do so to help preserve the environment for generations to come. My little sister even called me a dirty hippie with out the dirt yesterday, gotta love your family, huh?!!?!
Don't get me wrong, Iwould not turn down a gorgeous new necklace or beautifully crafted scarf (hint, tell my hubby I want one of Celeste's scarves for Christmas) or other cute thing and appreciate a good imported chocolate (drool). I am not vegetarian, although we eat a limited amount of meat at our house. We use CFL bulbs and I even make my own all purpose cleaner and laundry detergent. I cannot stand the smell of vinegar, though, so I make cleaners from castile soap, essential oils and water.
About 6 months ago I read some research by a group called Women's Voices for the Earth on chemicals in cleaners. It really shocked me and got me thinking. And their research shows chemical cleaners can affect breathing and asthma. They may not be the direct cause, or they may be, but I cannot find anything that says such things do not in any way contribute or aggravate symptoms.
So, why not try it, I already do other things to help, why not improve my home's environment by using non-chemical products. Those chemical filled cleaners stink and make my stomach turn and also cause me to use so much more water than needed because I rinse like crazy!
I had already been reusing things for crafts and creating, I even started a compost pile and was digging up garden plots and visiting the farmer's market when it made sense (it doesn't make sense to drive 20 miles round trip to buy my green beans for the week), I buy the local and in season produce at the grocery store and buy organic when it's availiable, too.
The only thing I use vinegar for is cleaning the inside of the potty - it works great. Sprinkle in1/4 to 1/2 cup of baking soda all around the bowl, then pour in 1/2 to 3/4 cup of white vinegar, close the lid and let it sit for at least 30 minutes. Scrub with toliet brush and the vinegar will get foamy again. If there is a really bad spot, you can add some kosher salt and let that sit, or do a borax soak (without vinegar) for 1 hour to overnight.
You do have to scrub with the cleaners I use, it's not easy-cheesey or anything, but for the sake of fewer chemicals in your home and around children it really makes a difference. No worries about breathing too much cleaner, you can let them help you and not worry about chemical burns like have happened with those magic earaser cleaners (yikes).

I have been using the cleaners I make for about 4 months now and the only time we had to go to the Doc, other than normal check-ups, was for an ear-infection my daughter got from swimming lessons - major swimmer's ear. You can hardly contribute that to germs in the house. My house does not smell like pine sol or bleach clean, but I know it's clean. And spotless has never been my goal, either -- clean enough to be happy, but not too clean that you won't use anything and you would go into convulsions if muddy kids, pets or people walked into your house.
Tomorrow I will post the laundry detergent recipe, so come back -- it works well and only uses 1 tablespoon per normal soil load! So, it's a bargin to boot!


So excited

Woooo-Whoooo! I am so excited, I finally got that diaper bag to the girl who wanted it and she loves it! She really thinks her sister willl enjoy it so much.
Wow! I am relieved to have it all done and to her and that she likes it. That thing took on a life of it's own, so I was rather overwhelmed and have not been allowing myself a chance to think about it, for fear of going into a tizzy about that whole deal.
Maybe it was a lack of not having a worked-up sketch for her to review before starting, the terrible first attempt, my worry that the bags just are not the thing ... I am not sure. Probably all of it rolled together, but I had many days of just sitting in front of the materials with no clue. Staying up at night thinking about it.
AHHHH .... here I am torturing myself again.
Anyway, I am so glad the bag was a success and I know I have learned so much from this experience.

Happy crafting!!


the 'yum' of my life!!

Ok, so I think I have failed to reveal so far that I have an addiction to coffee. And up until a very short time ago it was crappy coffee, meaning the Folgers variety. I never likes Starbucks or Seattle's Best, they always tasted bitter and old to me, no matter how fresh they were. So, mainly I relied on creamers to flavor it up and make it yummy. Not so good calorie wise, but made me happy.

But this past summer I went to a GFWC (General Federation of Women's Clubs) volunteer convention and one of the, how to they say it? ? ? . . . um, endorsed, yeah, that's it. One of the nationally endorsed fundraiser companines was new and they were a Fair Trade Coffee Co based in Washington State. The members of the club I am in are girls that would go for a fundraiser like that, rather than the wrapping paper, candles, Chico's clothing . . .we're really not into that stuff so much. So, I stopped by the booth and the gentleman there was very helpful, very nice and gave me the literature and also a sample of the coffee blend they made for our fundraisers for our organization. I go thome and about a week later, I made the sample and shared it with the girls. It was pretty good, better than what I had tasted so far. I thought that maybe I had waited to long to try it, though, because I know that really good coffee does not have a terribly long shelf-life and with it having been shipped from Washinton to Chicago then home with me . . .well all that airplane riding can't be good for the flavor.
So, I decided to check out the site and see about other blends to try for myself before I really pushed this fundraiser.
I had just bought a huge tub of good old folgers right before I left, so I knew it would be awhile before I needed more coffee and I could not order some and wait to use it, so I bookmarked the page and waited until I got close to the end of my supply.
Well, 2 weeks ago I was finally at the point to order more . . . so I hoped onto Grounds for Change and found 2 choices, one dark and one light. They got here last week and I have been in heaven since! I could eriously drink even more coffee than normal, but instead I drink a little less because I actually enjoy the flavors of the coffee and the smell!! OMG, the smell.
I would be hard pressed to decide if I wanted this coffee or chocolate and I love good chocolate.

So, if you are looking for yummy-licious coffe and are willing to pay a bit more for really good fair trade coffee, look up Grounds for Life. So far I have tried the El Salvador "Alpaneca" and the Nordic Blend and the GFWC blend.

Happy coffee drinking, or send this as gift to a coffee drinker you know - - Fair Trade is the thing now, right? And they do 1% for the planet, too!!


camping with Grandpa

Yesterday my father-in-law decided to take my son camping in our woods, just down the driveway from the house. So, they are packing all their 'gear' back and forth from the garage and house to their spot and little sister has to help, too.
Hubby and I are hanging out in the house putting away lunch dishes and I am considering what craft project to try and do an we look out the window and both burst into gales of laughter. There is this little convoy of campers that starts with Grandpa carrying very brightly colored kiddo folding chairs and the tent, then little sister in her bright pink sweater directing her brother and cheering him on as he works his way down on his little electric 4-wheeler (which does not go even as fast as he can walk). And he has gear in the back of that - it has a small cargo spot.

Then, I go nab the camera (they were a good distance away, but I tried) and little Miss Thing tells her brother to stop, stop . . . and runs around the back of the 4-wheeler and gives it a good smack, then I hear her say "now it will go faster, don't worry". And run in front of him saying 'you can do it, you can make it . .. go D, go!!"